Worthy for Thirty
Worthy for Thirty: Where stories of leaders doing good while doing well are told!
Ep. 41: Jessica Sloan, Executive Director, Raised By Us

Ep. 41: Jessica Sloan, Executive Director, Raised By Us

Mobilizing employees to do good starts with 'voice and choice'

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Cracking the Code to Corporate Giving: Insights You Can Take Back to The Office

This episode dives into the world of corporate social responsibility, specifically how companies can create impactful giving programs. Our guest, Jessica Sloan, Executive Director at Raised By Us, a nonprofit that empowers businesses in this important topic area, shares actionable insights you can leverage to boost your company's social impact.

The Struggles are Real:

Let's face it, many companies struggle to bridge the gap between good intentions and real-world change. Jessica acknowledges this, highlighting the disconnect between a company's desire to give back and the actual impact of their efforts.

The Key to Success: Employee Engagement

So, how do you bridge that gap? The answer is clear: Employee Engagement. Jessica emphasizes that traditional, one-size-fits-all programs often fall flat. The key is to understand what matters most to your employees.

Actionable Steps:

Here's how you can take action:

  • Unmask Employee Passions: Conduct surveys to understand the causes your employees care about. This allows you to tailor your program to resonate with their interests, fostering a stronger connection.

  • Make it Fun and Social: Partner with giving platforms that gamify the experience. This injects excitement and encourages friendly competition, boosting participation rates.

Beyond the Money: Expanding Your Impact

Financial contributions are important, but they're not the only way to give back. Jessica highlights the power of strategic partnerships with nonprofits. Here are some ways to expand your impact:

  • Think In-Kind: Donate needed supplies or equipment to support the nonprofit's work.

  • Volunteer Power: Organize volunteer opportunities for your employees to give back their time and skills.

  • Become an Advocate: Amplify the work of your chosen nonprofit by promoting its mission and raising awareness.

Getting Started:

Feeling overwhelmed? Jessica provides a roadmap to help get you and your company, started:

  1. Define Your Goals: What impact does your company want to make?

  2. Employee Input Matters: Survey your team to understand their interests.

  3. Resource Check: Be realistic about your capacity to give (financial, in-kind, volunteer time).

  4. Seek Guidance: Partner with an organization like Raised By Us to develop a strategic program.

The Call to Action is Clear:

By implementing these insights, your company can create a social impact program that excites employees, strengthens your company culture, and makes a lasting difference in the world. Don't wait, take action today!

A Parting Thought:

A growing percentage of for-profit businesses continue to think beyond the financial bottom line. They’re asking what and how can they serve their communities. Metrics on doing good perhaps isn’t as black and white as ROI but what’s the inverse if the business does nothing to give back or do good or support causes and non-profits important to their employees?

Correlation doesn’t equal causation yet the numbers for employee satisfaction, fulfillment, and retention have to be noticeable when a company makes a concerted effort to do good and give back.

Running a for-profit business WHILE doing good can be done at the same time.

It reminds me of my conversation with Jonah Goodhart, Co-Founder, Montauk Labs.

“…And I think the key, for us at least, is doing it in a sustainable way.

And sustainable way means having a business model that's attached to it.

So somebody has to generate revenue off of it in order to make it work, but you can have those double bottom lines.

You can have a scenario where it can be a business that is absolutely a business, but at the same time does good.”

I’d love to get your thoughts on CSR and share what you’ve experienced

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Watch my full conversation with Jessica on YouTube

Worthy for Thirty
Worthy for Thirty: Where stories of leaders doing good while doing well are told!
Host Eric Tash sits down with leading industry leaders to discuss how they're doing good while doing well, and why. How are these leaders able to unlock deeper meaning from their work by infusing their core, fundamental values?